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Disaster Recovery as a Service

How to Choose the Best Cloud Backup and Restore Service Provider in 2024

Every Business today, whether a multinational corporation or a small startup, shares a common need: data protection. Many enterprises still opt for on-premises data storage, which is insecure and costs tremendous maintenance fees. On the other hand, threats to the data and intrusions are increasing worldwide. According to the Crowd CrowdStrike 2024 Global Threat Report, there has been an increase of 75% in cloud intrusions.

For instance, a small startup might struggle to afford a robust on-premises data storage system, while a multinational corporation might struggle with security and maintenance costs. However, with the right Cloud Backup and Restore service, both these businesses can ensure the safety and integrity of their data. This blog will guide you through some considerations when choosing the right cloud provider for your business.

What is Cloud Backup and Restore

Cloud backup involves creating a duplicate of your data or workloads and storing them in a secure off-site location. In a disaster or unexpected occurrence, like a forest fire, flood, earthquake, or cybercrime, the backup data can be recovered, allowing businesses to resume operations quickly and effectively.

This overall improves the enterprise's business continuity strategy and maintains its customers' trust. Usually, a third-party provider such as Wanclouds assists the companies in migrating their workloads to the public cloud of their choice.

Different Types of Cloud Backups

Different types of Cloud Backups are designed to cater to various businesses' needs. Understanding these types is crucial as it helps you choose the most suitable backup strategy for your business. Here are some of the different types of Cloud Backups:

Full Backups:

Full Backups involve backing up all your data in the cloud. It is a comprehensive and effective strategy for ensuring business continuity despite being time-consuming.

Incremental Backup:

Incremental backups only save the data that has changed since the last backup, whether full or incremental. This approach saves both time and storage space, leading to faster backups.

Differential Backup:

Differential backups back up all changes made since the last full backup. While this method provides faster restoration than incremental backups since only the previous full backup and the latest differential backup are needed, it can increase backup times and storage requirements as more changes accumulate.

Mirror Backup:

Another option is a mirror backup, which creates an exact copy of the source data at a specific point in time. This makes data easily accessible and allows for quick restoration. However, if files are deleted from the source, they are removed from the mirror backup.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing the Right Provider

Here are a few things to consider before choosing the right provider for your business:

  • Reliability: Ensuring a reliable backup provider is the first step towards securing your business's data. You can verify the provider's experience by visiting their websites, reading case studies, and customer feedback.
  • Scalability: The need for data storage increases as your business expands. Ensure that the cloud storage capacity provided by the provider is easily scalable to meet your needs.
  • RPO and RTO: Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) refer to how quickly you want to restore your data and how much data is acceptable in a disaster. Hence, the Cloud Services provider must align with your business's requirements. For more information about RPO and RTO, navigate to our detailed blog.
  • Cost: Cloud providers have a different cost structure according to their business model. Depending on your storage need or data type, they may charge you monthly or yearly. However, some providers also have fixed pricing models and offer discounts if you subscribe to their service for a specific period. Therefore, research properly after analyzing your needs and selecting a suitable provider.

Simplify your Cloud Backup and Restore Process with Wanclouds

Wanclouds provides a complete solution for your cloud backup and restore requirements. If you want to move your data or workloads to the cloud but are unsure about the complexities and strategies involved, consider Wanclouds for a smooth migration. We can assist with every aspect of your migration, including selecting the best public cloud, migrating and securing your data, optimizing costs, and establishing cloud disaster recovery for your business.

Here are some of the Wanclouds Cloud Backup and Restore features:

  • Hybrid Cloud and Multi-Cloud Support: Allows users to seamlessly back up their on-premises or cloud workloads to various cloud platforms like IBM Cloud, AWS, and Google Cloud, making it flexible for organizations using multi-cloud environments.
  • Unified Management Platform: Enabled through our SaaS-based solution, VPC+, Wanclouds offers a unified interface for discovering and backing up public and hybrid cloud environments.
  • Automated Backups: Scheduled and uninterrupted backups of your critical data without any manual input. This ensures that your critical data gets automatically backed up in the cloud timely.
  • Scalable Storage: Storage can quickly scale up or down according to the needs of your business without impacting your performance. This flexibility empowers you to manage your data storage efficiently, ensuring you only pay for your needs.
  • Cost Optimization: Wanclouds provides a cost-effective solution for your cloud resources by optimizing storage utilization, preventing over-allocation, and optimizing costs. This cost-effectiveness ensures you are investing in your data protection strategy.

To get started, fill out the form on our website or contact our sales representatives at [email protected]. We're here to help you make the right choice for your business's data protection needs.

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